Monday, November 7, 2011


Thought it was time to share some of the first pictures taken in Budapest.These are som randoms shot on the second day spent in this lovely city, enjoy.
  A random outfit picture among typical looking buildings in Budapest.
A picture in the subway (or metro as they call it) 
 I prefer the ones we have in Stockholm to be honest..
The weather was perfect. Not too warm and not too cool, just the way I like it
A tour bus that can drive in water just as well as on the street. We were supposed
 to take one of these tours but the bus broke before we had the chance to go...
A monument to remember the people who took their shoes off and jumped 
into the water to swim over to the other side for a better life on the "Buda" 
side of Budapest. Trying to escape from the horrible living conditions in the
dictatiorship they used to live in. But most of them got shot on the way over.
All the bridges were destroyed during World War 2 so no one could cross.
A horrible story but a powerful monument that really makes you think.
A pair of high heels that represent one of all the people who swam across the water.
One of my favorite streets and a beautiful church that we visited.
Random Hungarians, that's what they are called.. right?
Taken from the top of the church.
A beautiful view from the church.
(And of course I couldn't resist taking a picture of the H&M
Versace poster...)
Inside the church.
One of the many bridges that got rebuilt after WW2 which connects Buda
and Pest, making Budapest into one big city.

So that's some of the pictures I took but I have yet some great ones for you to see! 
But now I have to go to work after spending the last 4 hours at a Café with awesome F.
Too long ago since the last time I saw her so we had a lot of catching up to do!

Oh right, work. Stop bloging and go to work...
Ttyl dear readers, hope your afternoon involves more exciting things than mine.
(Aka working until 9pm...)

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