Sunday, July 15, 2012


Tuesday, last day of introduktion, cashier training from 9:00-17:00 =OHMYGOD!! OK, it wasn't bad at all really. Just a little bit confusing since people over here use checks which I as a Swede is nowhere near familiar to. French checks, travel checks, gift cards, reduction cards you name it... But since I was SO concentrated the whole time listening to the information (en francais, of course) the day litterly flew by and before I knew it, it was 5pm. I met Sofie up when she came back from work looking hot as ever in her costume (let me just say this: lot's of pink, long skirt and a brown vest). After catching up a little bit we met up with her french friend Julie who was super sweet! After loading up with some croissants and chocolate mousse (food is so cheap for us to get backstage, freaking love it!) we went out in the park to go on some rides. We went on the Caribbean boat, Space mountain and one where you go in a boat and there are creepy dolls everywhere singing.. Beautilfully (OK, big fat lie. It's worse than me singing opera in the shower. And that's bad, just to let you know..) I don't know, dolls just creep me out! Always have, always will. Me and S were equally as scared haha! Her 2 friends Jonathan and Florance joined us as well so we all went together which was fun!! After that I had a good great night sleep.
 Creepy dolls everywhere...
What me and Sofie thought about the them 

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