Sunday, October 14, 2012

Game over

So last night I did something I've never done before. I experienced a game night à la nerd-style, and I had a freaking blast. F and E invited me to a traditional pancake night where we make (or ok, E makes and the rest of us watched) a huge pile of pancakes which we dig into using forks, whipped cream and raspberry jam. Yesterday, being friday and all, we added a secret ingrediens to the evening. Beer. I must say that the sweetness of the pancakes and the bitterness of the cool drink made it the best of both worlds all together, doesn't get much better than that now does it? So with that food coma on our diagnosis we all hung out and watched the X-factor before the games begun. E is a pro and showed me and F around in the imaginaty world of... Whatever it was called... And ever thought I didn't always understand what was going on (or even what I was doing) I had a freaking blast wearing the huge head phones while trying to figure it all out. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was my horrible skills at the game or the 4 boys shouting on the other side of the screen but gosh, I had fun playing nerd for one night.
My dear F (and no, I don't share...)
Whipped delicousness at it's best
Pancake makin'
What's hiding in that fridge...?
and some more lovely bee...r?
 nerdeliciois is the new nutella..

1 comment:

FISEN said...

haha måste göra detta oftare!!

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