Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Motto of today

Isn't that the truth now my dears? We are always searching for something new, something different than what we have right now. It might be living in a different place, being in love, having a better job or simply wanting some ice cream (OK, I've been craving for it all night now so it's been on my mind for a while. Sorry for the randomness... ). But the fact is that you are where you are right now. You might still be here for 2 more weeks, months or maybe longer but the thing is that you are only here now. That place you live in, shitty job or singleness(?) might not be where you wish to be right now. But you know what? You are here. So while you are in this state you might day dream, do research and even make up your mind about making a change. But while you are at it, don't forget to live in the moment. Learn to appreciate what you have right now because whenever you decide to go get that other thing, your life isn't the same. Maybe it's easier, maybe it's harder. Either way it will be different so the best way to enjoy your life as it is right now is to use it's opportunities to the fullest and squeese every single little drop out of it before moving on. Since moving on means that you might not be able to move back.

I've been bad at appreciating what I have at the moment and focused all too much on the future. But from now on this is my motto and I will live by it as well as I possibly can.
And for you lucky moth.... People who are 99% happy with all you got and don't want to be anywhere or anything different. Lean back and enjoy because what you got is what I call rare. The rest of us just have to jump someday but before then...

...Enjoy what you have today.

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